Archive for August, 2014

Discarded plastic water bottles on route of London Marathon Greetings Earthlings. Paper or plastic? Never mind, it’s time to “Get Drastic About Plastic”! Garrett Connelly of Greenfield Zero Waste and Greening Greenfield joins us to discuss doing away with plastic packaging in Greentown. Is that really so drastic?? We’ll try not to get too wrapped up in that so there will be time for some other E-Valley-uation and a trip to visit The-Fool-on-the-Hill and the Enviro Show Echo Chamber, but first it’s time for…….Revenge of the Critters! Another Walmart shopper punished! “Things got a bit more dicey for Jeriel Joiner. While shopping at a St. Augustine, Florida, Wal-Mart, he reached in among some potted plants in the garden center to grab a baby bottle dropped by his infant son. What he got instead was a bite on the finger from a pygmy rattlesnake. Joiner survived, but doctors had to amputate the finger.” Maybe Dad was also punished for using plastic baby bottles? Shop Local/Breast feed!

It’s another turn as our Fool-off-the-Hill (he keeps trying to join the other ones), Repugnican Congressional hopeful Art Robinson returns to the campaign trail. This time he wants voters to send him their….um…..well, their pee. We don’t have to make this stuff up ya’ know, these are, after all, Repugnicans, OK? Last time around, Robinson wanted to get rid of radioactive waste by spraying it from planes!

In our E-Valley-uation segment we want to let you know about WMass planning for the big Peoples Climate March in New York City on Sunday, September 21. First off, The Enviro Show has initiated a Trees & the Climate hub for the March. To take part and help plan that contingent to the March go HERE. Then there are buses leaving from various parts of the Valley. You can get onboard by contacting these bus captains: Currently, the bus captain in Amherst is Rooney Charest ( For bus captaining in other parts of the Pioneer Valley, including Northampton contact Brit Albritton ( In Greenfield contact Pamela S.Kelly ( Another bus is being organized on Facebook by the Smith College Green Team. Go here for that. We’ll be back to this segment with our guest but let’s take a walk over to The Enviro Show Echo Chamber first, OK?

Time to Meet the New Boss! This time the Boss is gutting food stamps to the tune of $8.7Billion. According to MSNBC that will cause “850,000 households to lose an average of $90 per month.” And what did the Prez have to say about that? “Congress passed a bipartisan Farm Bill that is going to make a big difference in communities across the country”. Well…….we guess!

In the Enviro Show Echo Chamber we find our friends at Grist have discovered a certain corporate fracked gas pipeline project (does that sound familiar?). Also, our Gov here in the Commonwealth appears to be backing off on that corporate fracked gas pipeline we’ve been going on about since last February BUT that old crank Repugnican Gov. LePage up in Maine remains at full speed ahead. LePage has the distinction of being The Nation’s Craziest Governor so why not put him out front on this proposed pipe dream? And, speaking of Governors with….umm….issues? That one from the Sunshine State with the buggy eyes? It seems Rick Scott was out to lunch while meeting with climate scientists recently. At least he saved some time while doing the public’s business! Meanwhile over in Oklahoma (where they know a thing or two about crazy) folks got 20 fracking earthquakes in one day. We think that’s considered a bit above normal out there (what ever constitutes normal in Oklahoma).

After our conversation with Garrett we take you over to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 9:00am to 3:00pm. Practical Options for Food Production Resilience in an Increasingly Variable Climate, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Amherst. Fee based.
Dr. Christine Jones is an internationally-acclaimed agricultural consultant with a specific message regarding sequestration of carbon and humus development through appropriate agricultural practices. Dr. Jones’ work focuses on how to maximize photosynthesis through biological processes. Her message is appropriate for anyone who raises food, for those who focus on conserving our natural resources, and for climate activists. Details and registration information can be found online at

Monday, September 8: Fall River District Court trial of Ken Ward and Jay O’Hara. Ward & O’Hara anchored their lobster boat in the shipping channel off the Brayton Point Power Station last May in Somerset. Flying an American flag and a banner reading “#coalisstupid,” the two men blocked the delivery of 40,000 tons of Appalachian mountaintop coal to New England’s largest coal-burning power plant for a day. Now they face charges of disturbing the peace, conspiracy, and motorboat violations. Although conviction could result in nine months of jail time, they’ll admit to everything. They’ll argue that it’s really climate change and the government’s ineffective policies that should be on trial. Then they’ll ask the jury to find them not guilty by reason of “necessity.” Go to:

Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 21 The biggest demonstration in the history of the climate movement is happening in New York City. The People’s Climate March will be held as world leaders and members of the United Nations gather to discuss the climate crisis. If we expect real action on global warming, we need to make our voices heard. Tens of thousands of activists are gathering for this important event. This peaceful protest for a healthy climate will include a massive march through New York City, street theater, music, speakers and whatever creative energy you and your friends can bring. Go to:

That is all. We go out with “Polluting is Fun” by Ray Korona & friends, but quite frankly it doesn’t look like much “fun” from here. Next time it’s The Peoples Climate March. Until then remember………LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!

Another Enviro B-Day Show

Posted: August 9, 2014 in Uncategorized

edaycakeGreetings Earthlings. We are 9 years old now and like many at our age we are becoming “much more independent, and are developmentally mature enough to handle many responsibilities and situations with minimal adult intervention”. With this in mind we are thinking of chaining ourselves to heavy machinery and demanding an end to destructive logging on public lands or we’ll hold our breath until our faces turn blue, OK?? Did you get us a big Birthday cake? No?? Why not? You don’t love us!! We hate you!!!!……(sorry)….we didn’t mean that….we don’t know what gets into us sometimes. Anyway, we do know that the Climate Summer Riders are getting ready to ride off into the sun…..rise, actually. Georgette of the West Team calls in with a retrospect. As usual here on the show we will take you on another trip to The Enviro Show Echo Chamber, to visit The Fool-on-the-Hill and to Meet the New Boss but first it’s time for…….Revenge of the Critters! You’ll have to see this to believe it (or not). Butterflies attack human!

Time to Meet the New Boss! This time we find The Boss and his Administration (under the guise of the Bureau of Land Management) selling coal mining leases on our public lands to Old King Coal “at far below their market value, and even farther below the cost of their pollution on society.” That, dear taxpayer, will cost YOU something in the order of……$50 billion! Fork it over……suckers.

Our Fool-on-the-Hill is a lot like Freddie Kruger: he just keeps coming back for more. Yup, it’s none other than Repugnican Senator James Inhofe who “blocked Senate Democrats on July 28 from passing a resolution that would have acknowledged the reality of climate change.” Once a fool, always a fool, or so they say. We can’t help but agree and history? Well, history is bound to agree….if there is any.

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we lead off with a success story (sorry, doom & gloom fans). After years of controversy over dam removals it appears the proponents were correct. The fish are returning (they are sooooo forgiving!). This from Nature. In Massachusetts news we’re told by the Sierra Club that the updated bottle bill will be on the ballot in November as Question 2. They need volunteers to counter the onslaught of industry propaganda. If you’re up for that go here. Back to the Doom and Gloom! Did you read about the “mysterious” giant crater appearing in the Arctic Circle? Mystery solved!. O, and it gets worse. That should be enough scary news for now, yes?

In our E-Valley-uation segment we thought we’d point out to our listeners that those corporados at Kinder Morgan (who want to turn our communities into a climate sacrifice zone) are holed up just over the border in Enfield, CT! They’re at 8 Anngina Drive in Enfield in case you want to have a word with them. Just sayin”! And speaking of going places, are YOU going to the BIGGEST climate action ever? Buses are already being filled for The Peoples Climate March here in the Valley. You can get onboard by contacting these bus captains: Currently, the bus captain in Amherst is Rooney Charest ( For bus captaining in other parts of the Pioneer Valley, including Northampton contact Brit Albritton ( In Greenfield contact Pamela S.Kelly . Another bus is being organized on Facebook by the Smith College Green Team. Go here for that if you’re on FB.

On to the Bus Stop Billboard!

Sunday August 17 & 24, 8:30 to 9:45AM. Canal Side Nature Walk. Great Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA. Meet outside the main entrance to the Discovery Center. All ages are welcome. We will leisurely explore level, accessible, and paved bike trails and village sidewalks to learn about plants, animals, and mill town history along the Canal-side Bike Path of Turners Falls. Topics may include birds, fish, invasive species, wildflowers, and cultural or industrial history. Please wear appropriate footwear, and bring water, bug repellent, and sun screen. Call: 413-863-3221

Saturday, August 23, 10am-2pm. Come to the Hitchcock Center for the Environment and explore native wildflowers and learn how to identify them in the field. Come to one, two or all three classes. Please bring lunch, water, bug spray, sunscreen, a hand lens & a copy of Newcomb’s wildflower book if you own one. Please also wear sturdy shoes that could possibly get wet. Directions provided with registration. Fee based • Space is limited, call to register Shelly Kahan, Center Coordinator, at (413) 256-6006 or

Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 21 The biggest demonstration in the history of the climate movement
is happening in New York City. The People’s Climate March will be held as world leaders and members of the United Nations gather to discuss the climate crisis. If we expect real action on global warming, we need to make our voices heard. Tens of thousands of activists are gathering for this important event. This peaceful protest for a healthy climate will include a massive march through New York City, street theater, music, speakers and whatever creative energy you and your friends can bring. Go to:

That’s all folks! (until next time when Bruce Winn joins us to talk ill conceived fracked gas pipelines). Wait! What did we forget?………….to listen to our Mother!