Archive for September, 2016

autumn-flora-fallingGreetings Earthlings. All things being equal, we’re pretty sure the Autumnal Equinox is overshadowed by “Leaf Peeping Season” here in New England but guess what makes peeping possible! The Good Green Witch joins us to make colorful remarks about the season and Rosemary Wessel of No Fracked Gas in Mass returns to connect the dots between Otis State Forest (our public lands) and Kinder Morgan’s ongoing attempts to turn Southern New England into yet another fracked gas playground for filthy rich oilmen.  As per usual, we’ll take to to meet this week’s Fool-on-the-Hill and into The Enviro Show Echo Chamber as well as treat you to our Quote of the week, but first it’s time for…………Revenge of the Critters! Another human no longer left to their own devices.

This time our Fool-on-the-Hill is another one of those whacky far-right over-the-hill operatives, meaning he operates under the Beltway but not directly on The Hill, just over the hill, somewhere, out there. Anyway, he’s one of Donald Trump’s latest economic advisors who, our friends at Grist inform us, “might be even more confused about climate and energy than Trump himself”. It’s Stephen Moore, “a notoriously foolish and dishonest “senior distinguished fellow” at the right-wing Heritage Foundation and a former Wall Street Journal editorialist. That alone says a lot, but Salon’s take down makes one wonder why this guy even got a phone call from someone as shallow as Trump.

Our Quote of the Week concerns the recent gasoline pipeline disaster down in Alabama where some 300,000 gallons leaked into a pond not all that far from the Cahaba River. Incredibly all the reporting on this regional outrage concerns…..rising gas prices! Here’s our telling quote from Cahaba Riverkeeper: “There has been a great deal of speculation that the leak is larger than reported. We are not qualified to make a guess at the volume of the spill, but after listening to a good deal of discussion related to how these estimates are calculated, we have no reason to believe the company isn’t publishing a good faith estimate using the most reliable models available.” WHAT?? Where were you guys during the BP Gulf disaster? Maybe out on the town with the guys from the Colonial Pipeline Co.? We guess the bogus media spin and weak-kneed environmentalism has nothing to do with reports that the pipeline is partially owned by Koch. ………….nah.

In our E-Valley-uation segment we may hear from d.o. concerning efforts by PanAm Railroad to bust him for trespassing when he was investigating whether Bomb Trains are traveling through WMass. Also, Breaking News from MassPlan here’s an “update regarding the citizen appeal of the 401 Water Quality Certification issued by MassDEP for the Connecticut Expansion project: TGP’s response to the appeal was to sue all of the petitoners, and MassDEP, in federal court. A hearing is scheduled for September 29th at the U.S. District Court in Boston. TGP claims that MassDEP lacks jurisdiction to continue with its administrative process, because a section in the Natural Gas Act provides for ultimate review at the federal Circuit Court of Appeals (rather than state court, which is normally where final DEP orders are reviewed after the internal agency appeals process is complete).”

We have more Breaking News! Over 200 groups blasted the EPA on Monday for that agency’s flawed study on fracking. They say the EPA has “done the public a disservice” by helping to promote toxic drilling. Ya’ think?? Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

In the Enviro Show Echo Chamber we find The Worst Congress Ever returning to confer on the so-called Energy “Modernization” Act. Given the political climate these days in DC (not much better than the climate climate) we can probably expect a LOT of watering down, a severe shortage of useful ideas, and EVEN MORE hot air. You can send a message to your senator about the dirty energy bill HERE.  And this: Democracy Now! tells us “a federal appeals court has officially halted construction of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access [Bakun oil] pipeline within 20 miles on either side of Lake Oahe along the Missouri River. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals says this ruling will give the court more time to rule on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s request for an emergency injunction against construction over concerns it could destroy sacred sites and burial grounds.”  Also, in case this one got by you here in the Colonies, here’s a PDF entitled “European Power From U.S. Forests”. We guess some things never change! In other news, it looks like China might be pulling the rug out from under all those Repugnicans (and certain candidates for president) who bad mouth international climate agreements because that big nation won’t hold up their end. Here’s our Enviro Show Blog Action Link for the week: This Bill Saves Wildlife in Peril!  Finally, the Zika freakout down south has cost the lives of countless bees and other pollinators. Ok, the score is 43 not dead vs. millions upon millions dead as doornails. Who won?

We thought we might have to ditch our Meet the New Boss segment (until a better candidate comes on the scene) ‘cuz Obama keeps doing good things to try and save the planet! Checkout our friend Elizabeth Kolbert’s latest in the New Yorker titled “Obama the Conservationist”. BUT, then we saw this from DeSmog Blog: “On September 9, the Obama administration revoked authorization for construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) on federally controlled lands and asked the pipeline’s owners, led by Energy Transfer Partners, to voluntarily halt construction on adjacent areas at the center of protests by Native Americans and supporters. However, at the same time the pipeline and protests surrounding it were galvanizing an international swell of solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe….another federal move on two key pipelines has flown under the radar. In May, the federal government quietly approved permits for two Texas pipelines — the Trans-Pecos and Comanche Trail Pipelines — also owned by Energy Transfer Partners. This action and related moves will ensure that U.S. fracked gas will be flooding the energy grid in Mexico.” Thanks, Boss!


After our conversation with The Good Green Witch and Rosemary we head over to the Bus Stop Billboard:


Friday, October 7, 2016. 6pm – 10pm. Rock Against the TPP Concert @ Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St, Jamaica Plain, MA. The TPP is basically terrible for everything you care about. It would export the worst parts of U.S. copyright law and Internet policy on the rest of the world, undermining free speech and opening the floodgates for SOPA-style online censorship. [1] Beyond that, it would grant monopolistic corporations extraordinary powers to circumvent our basic democratic process, affecting everything from the environment to food safety to access to medicine to basic workers’ rights. All ages. Wheelchair accessible. FREE! RSVP required. Email:


Thursday, October 13, 7 PM, “A Quabbin National Park: Protecting Nature, Climate and Health for Future Generations” with Michael Kellett, Executive Director of RESTORE the North Woods. Shutesbury Elementary School, 23 W Pelham Rd, Shutesbury, MA. See:


Friday & Saturday, October 14 & 15, 5pm-8pm. The Enchanted Forest: A Non-scary Halloween Event – Creatures that Build. Come to the Enchanted Forest at our new site for a magical treat along our pumpkin lit trail. Since we’ve just built this new building we’ve invited out animals friends to join us and share how they build; from a bird’s nest to Caddis Fly’s case to the engineering of a Beaver dam. Fun for all ages. Fee. Advanced online registration required to sign up for a walk time, space is limitedCall (413) 256-6006 or Go to:


Saturday & Sunday, October 15 & 16, All day. 350VT is hosting a Climate Organizer Leadership Training at the Root Social Justice Center, 28 Williams St., First Floor Brattleboro, VT. “Explore climate justice and racial justice, theory of change and campaign building, and we will learn about core organizing skills.” Register HERE. More info:


Sunday, October 16, 3:00-5:00pm. Clean Water Action Celebration. Mi Tierra Restaurant, 48 Russell St, Hadley, MA. Tickets – $30 /Student/tight budget – $15 /Sponsor – $75 (includes 2 tickets). Purchase tickets and sponsorships online. Questions? Contact Sara Moffett , 413-584-9830 x4


Thursday, October 20, 7pm. Film screening and discussion of “How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change” directed by Josh Fox. Floor 26, Du Bois Library, UMass, Amherst. A funny, tragic, inspiring documentary that introduces a host of climate change “warriors” while examining the intricately woven forces that threaten the stability of our planet. Go to:


Saturday, October 22 @ 10:00 am – 1:00pm. Tree ID Using Bark and Habitat Clues. Join naturalist Nancy Goodman and take a close look at trees and other botanical wonders we encounter at Northfield Mountain. Become familiar with the characteristic bark of different trees in different habitats and at different stages of growth, as well as identification from leaves and other clues.  Bring binoculars, water, lunch, sturdy walking shoes. Meet in the Riverview parking area at 10 or at the Northfield Mountain Visitors Center at 9:45 a.m. for a short walk to Riverview. For ages 16 and older. FREE Pre-register by calling 800-859-2960


Sunday, October 23, 2pm. Sneak preview screening & fundraiser for “Power Struggle” A film by Robbie Leppzer in association with HBO and NHK- Japan. A full-length documentary about the grassroots political battle to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant. Academy of Music, Main Street, Northampton, MA. Go to:


 Sunday, October. 30, 2-5p.m. Springfield Area Interfaith Climate Justice Meeting, First Church of Christ, 763 Longmeadow Street (Hwy 5), Longmeadow. Leaders, activists, and concerned individuals from Springfield area congregations of all faiths will explore ways of working together to address concerns of global warming and climate change. For more information, contact Joelle Million, (413) 754-3550



That’s it. We are soooo out of here, but remember this: Listen to your Mother, OK?